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The checkpoint API can be used to list and restore checkpoints created in a flow.

List Checkpoints

You can access a list of all checkpoints for a specific process, identified by the id, with the REST API.

  • URI /api/v1/process/{id}/checkpoint
  • Method GET
  • Headers Authorization, Content-Type: application/json
  • Body none

  • Success response

      Content-Type: application/json
              "id": "...",
              "name": "...",
              "createdAt": "..."
              "id": "...",
              "name": "...",
              "createdAt": "..."

Restore a Process

You can restore a process state from a named checkpoint of a specific process using the process identifier in the URL and the checkpoint identifier in the body.

  • URI /api/v1/process/{id}/checkpoint/restore
  • Method POST
  • Headers Authorization, Content-Type: application/json
  • Body
        "id": "..."
  • Success response

      Content-Type: application/json
        "ok": true