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Git and GitHub Task

The Git plugin supports direct operations on git repositories with the git task and interactions with git repositories hosted on GitHub with the github task.


To be able to use the plugin in a Concord flow, it must be added as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins:git:2.5.0

This adds the Git plugin to the classpath and allows you to invoke the Git task or the GitHub task.

Git Task

The git task allows users to trigger git operations as a step of a flow. The operations are run via git command usage in the process working directory on the Concord server.

The git task uses a number of input parameters that are common for all operations:

  • url: required, the SSH or HTTPS URL of git repository
    • auth: Required for HTTPS url values, details in Basic authentication
    • privateKey: Required for SSH url values.
  • workingDir: required, the name of the directory inside the process space on the Concord server into which the git repository is cloned before any operation is performed.
  • action: required, the name of the operation to perform.
  • org of the privateKey parameter: Optional - the name of the organization in Concord org where the secret can be located, if not specified defaults to Default.
  • secretName of the privateKey parameter: required, the name of the Concord secret used for the SSH connection to the git repository on the remote server.
  • password of the privateKey parameter: Optional, the password to decrypt the Concord secret, if the secret is password protected. Otherwise not required.
  • ignoreErrors: instead of throwing exceptions on operation failure, returns the result object with the error, if set to true.
  • out: variable to store the Git task response.

Following is an example showing the common parameters with private key based authentication:

  - task: git
      action: "actionName"
      url: "[email protected]:example-org/git-project.git"
      workingDir: "git-project"
        org: "myGitHubOrg"
        secretName: "mySecret"
        password: "mySecretPassword" # optional

Basic Authentication

The auth parameter is required when a private git repository is accessed with HTTPS url. It must contain a basic nested element which contains either the token element or the username and password elements.

Following example shows the common parameters with basic authentication using username & password:

  - task: git
      action: "actionName"
      url: "https://git.example.com/example-org/git-project.git"
      workingDir: "git-project"
          username: "any_username"
          password: "any_password"

Here is an example of using basic authentication with token:

    token: base64_encoded_auth_token

Git Task Response

The git task returns a result object with following fields:

  • ok: true if the operation succeeded.
  • status: NO_CHANGES if repository is clean, otherwise returns SUCCESS or FAILURE if operation successful or failed respectively.
  • error: error message if operation failed.
  • headSHA: HEAD commit ID for the specified branch after performing the action.
  • changeList: saves the list of uncommitted changes.

Clone a Repository

The clone action of the git task can be used to clone a git repository into the Concord server process space.

It simply uses the minimal common parameters with the addition of the baseBranch parameter:

  - task: git
      action: "clone"
      url: "[email protected]:example-org/git-project.git"
      workingDir: "git-project"
        org: "myGitHubOrg"
        secretName: "mySecret"
        password: "mySecretPassword" # optional
      baseBranch: "feature-a"
      out: "response"
      ignoreErrors: true

  - if: "${!response.ok}"
    - log: "Clone action failed: ${response.error}"

The baseBranch parameter is optional and specifies the name of the branch, the commit SHA identifier or the name of a tag, used to check out after the clone operation. If not provided, the default branch of the repository is used - typically called master.


The pull action of the git task can be used to pull changes from another branch from the remote origin into the current checked out branch.

It simply uses the minimal common parameters with the addition of the remoteBranch parameter:

  • remoteBranch: required, name of remote origin/branch from where the changes are pulled.

Below example is equivalent to git pull origin myRemoteBranch. In order to use a pull action in your concord flow, you have to run a clone action first so that a repository clone is available in the workingDir. The value for the workingDir parameter should be same as what was used in clone action, otherwise you end up with an repository not found exception.

  - task: git
      action: "pull"
      workingDir: "git-project"
      remoteBranch: "myRemoteBranch"
        org: "myGitHubOrg"
        secretName: "mySecret"
        password: "mySecretPassword" # optional

Commit and Push Changes

The commit action of the git task can be used to commit your changes made on the cloned repository. You can push the changes to origin by setting pushChanges to true. The commit action is dependent on a prior clone action, so make sure clone action is performed first.

- task: git
    action: "commit"
    workingDir: "git-project"
       org: "myGitHubOrg"
       secretName: "mySecret"
       password: "mySecretPassword" # optional
    baseBranch: "feature-a"
    commitMessage: "my commit message"
    commitUsername: "myUserId"
    commitEmail: "myEmail"
    pushChanges: true
    out: "response"

- if: "${response.ok}"
  - log: "Commit action completed successfully."
  - log: "New HEAD commit ID: ${response.headSHA}."
  - log: "My changeList: ${response.changeList}."

The baseBranch parameter is mandatory and specifies the name of the branch to use to commit the changes. The commitMessage is a message to add to your commit operation. The pushChanges parameter is optional and defaults to false, when omitted. The commitUsername and commitEmail are mandatory parameters to capture committer details.

The new commit ID is available in ${response.headSHA}. A list of uncommitted changes is available in ${response.changeList}.

Create and Push a New Branch

The createBranch action of the git task allows the creation of a new branch in the process space. The new branch can be pushed back to the remote origin. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • baseBranch: Optional - the name of the branch to use as starting point for the new branch. If not provided, the default branch of the repository is used - typically called master.
  • newBranch: required, the name of new branch.
  • pushBranch: Required configuration to determine if the new branch is pushed to the origin repository - true or false.

The following example creates a new feature branch called feature-b off the master branch and pushes the new branch back to the remote origin.

  - task: git
      action: "createBranch"
      url: "[email protected]:example-org/git-project.git"
      workingDir: "git-project"
        org: "myGitHubOrg"
        secretName: "mySecret"
        password: "mySecretPassword" # optional
      baseBranch: "master"
      newBranch: "feature-b"
      pushBranch: true
      out: "response"

  - if: "${response.ok}"
    - log: "Create-branch action completed successfully."

Merge Local Branches

The merge action of the git task can be used to merge branches using the following parameters:

  • sourceBranch: required, the name of the branch where your changes are implemented.
  • destinationBranch: required, the name of the branch into which the branches have to be merged.

The following example merges the changes in the branch feature-a into the master branch.

  - task: git
      action: "merge"
      url: "[email protected]:example-org/git-project.git"
      workingDir: "git-project"
        org: "myGitHubOrg"
        secretName: "mySecret"
        password: "mySecretPassword" # optional
      sourceBranch: "feature-a"
      destinationBranch: "master"
      out: "response"

  - if: "${response.ok}"
    - log: "Merge action completed successfully."

We recommend using the merge action of the GitHub task to merge branches in large repositories, since no local cloning is required and the action is therefore completed faster.

GitHub Task

The github task of the git plugin allows you to trigger git operations on a git repository hosted on GitHub.com or a GitHub Enterprise server as a step of a flow.

While the git mentioned above works on a repository by cloning it to the Concord server and performing operations locally, the github task uses the REST API of GitHub to perform the operations. This avoids the network overhead of the cloning and other operations and is therefore advantageous for large repositories.

The apiUrl configures the GitHub API endpoint. It is best configured globally as default process configuration: with a githubParams argument:

      apiUrl: "https://github.example.com/api/v3"

The authors of specific projects on the Concord server can then specify the remaining parameters:

  • accessToken: required, the GitHub access token.
  • org: required, the name of the GitHub organization or user in which the git repository is located.
  • repo: required, the name of the git repository.

The following example includes a locally defined apiUrl:

  - task: github
      action: "createPr"
      apiUrl: "https://github.example.com/api/v3"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"

Examples below take advantage of a globally configured apiUrl.

Create and Delete a Repository

The createRepo and deleteRepo actions of the github task allow the creation and deletion of GitHub repositories.

createRepo action creates an empty repository with the name provided by repo parameter in the GitHub organization specified by org parameter.

createRepo and deleteRepo Parameters:

  • org - GitHub organization in which to create or delete the repository
  • repo - Repository name to create or delete

createRepo Returned Variables:

  • cloneUrl - URL from which the repository can be cloned

The example below creates a repository myRepository in the GitHub organization myOrg.

  - task: github
      action: "createRepo"
      apiUrl: "https://github.example.com/api/v3"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myRepository"
      repo: "myOrg"

  - log: "New repository: ${cloneUrl}"

deleteRepo action deletes the repository with the name provided by repo parameter in the GitHub organization specified by org parameter.

GitHub access token specified should have delete_repo scope enabled to delete a repository on GitHub. This can be done in Personal Access Token under Developer Settings for the intended user on GitHub.

The example below deletes the repository myRepository from the GitHub organization myOrg.

  - task: github
      action: "deleteRepo"
      apiUrl: "https://github.example.com/api/v3"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myRepository"
      repo: "myOrg"

A few points to consider:

  • both createRepo and deleteRepo actions are idempotent.
    • createRepo action does not fail if the repository already exists in an organization, but returns the clone URL of the repository.
    • similarly, deleteRepo action does not fail if the repository does not exist in the organization.
  • createRepo action can be supplemented by other git and github task actions to commit code/documentation, and configure the repository.
  • deleteRepo action is irreversible. The repository, its contents and the commit history will be deleted, and cannot be recovered.

Create and Merge a Pull Request

The createPr and mergePr actions of the github task allow the creation and merging a pull request in GitHub. Executed one after another, the tasks can be used to create and merge a pull request within one Concord process.

createPr Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: repository in which to create the pull request.
  • prTitle: the title used for the pull request.
  • prBody: the description body for the pull request.
  • prSourceBranch: the name of the branch from where changes are implemented.
  • prDestinationBranch: the name of the branch into which the changes are merged.

createRepo Returned Variables:

  • prId - int, pull request number.

The example below creates a pull request to merge the changes from branch feature-a into the master branch:

  - task: github
      action: "createPr"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      prTitle: "Feature A"
      prBody: "Feature A implements the requirements from request 12."
      prSourceBranch: "feature-a"
      prDestinationBranch: "master"
      myPrId: "${prId}"

The mergePr action can be used to merge a pull request. The pull request identifier has to be known to perform the action. It can be available from a form value, an external invocation of the process or as output parameter from the createPr action. The example below uses the pull request identifier myPrId, that was populated with a value in the createPr action above. commitMessage is a string that can be used to post custom merge commit messages. If omitted, a default message is used. mergeMethod is optional string that can be used to specify merge method to use (possible values are merge, squash or rebase).

mergePr Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: repository in which the pull request is located.
  • prId: pull request number.
  • commitMessage: optional, Custom merge commit message.
  • mergeMethod: optional, one of are merge, squash or rebase
  - task: github
      action: "mergePr"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      prId: "${myPrId}"
      commitMessage: "my custom merge commit message"
      mergeMethod: "squash"

Comment on a Pull Request

The commentPR action can be used to add a comment to a pull request.

The pull request identifier has to be known to perform the action. It can be available from a form value, an external invocation of the process or as output parameter from the createPr action.

The example below uses the pull request identifier myPrId, that was populated with a value in the createPr action above. prComment is the string that is posted to the pull request as a comment. The accessToken used determines the user adding the comment.

commentPR Parameters:

  • org: GitHub organization in which to create the repository.
  • repo: repository in which the pull request is located.
  • prId: pull request number.
  • prComment: comment text.
  - task: github
      action: "commentPR"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      prId: "${myPrId}"
      prComment: "Some pr comment"

Close a Pull Request

The closePR action can be used to close a pull request. The pull request identifier has to be known to perform the action. It can be available from a form value, an external invocation of the process or as output parameter from the createPr action. The example below uses the pull request identifier myPrId, that was populated with a value in the createPr action above.

closePR Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: repository in which the pull request is created.
  • prId: pull request number.
  - task: github
      action: "closePR"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      prId: "${myPrId}"

Create a Tag

The createTag action of the github task can create a tag based on a specific commit SHA. This commit identifier has to be supplied to the Concord flow - typically via a parameter from a form or an invocation of the flow from another application. One example is the usage of the Concord task in the Looper continuous integration server.

createTag Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: repository in which to create the tag.
  • commitSHA: the SHA of the git commit to use for the tag creation.
  • tagVersion: the name of the tag e.g. a version string 1.0.1.
  • tagMessage: the name of the author of the tag.
  • tagAuthorName: the email of the author of the tag.
  - task: github
      action: "createTag"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      tagVersion: "1.0.0"
      tagMessage: "Release 1.0.0"
      tagAuthorName: "Jane Doe"
      tagAuthorEmail: "[email protected]"
      commitSHA: "${gitHubBranchSHA}"


The deleteTag action of the github task can be used to delete an existing tag from GitHub repository

deleteTag Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository where your tag is located.
  • tagName: name of tag that you want to delete from your org/repo.
  - task: github
       action: "deleteTag"
       accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
       org: "myGitHubOrg"
       repo: "myGitHubRepo"
       tagName: "myTagName"


The deleteBranch action of the github task can be used to delete an existing branch from GitHub repository

deleteBranch Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository where your tag is located.
  • branch: name of the branch that you want to delete.
  - task: github
       action: "deleteBranch"
       accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
       org: "myGitHubOrg"
       repo: "myGitHubRepo"
       branch: myBranchName

Merge Branches

The merge action of the github task can merge two branches of a repository on GitHub. Compared to merging branches with the git task, it does not require a local clone of the repository and is therefore faster in the execution and requires no local storage on the Concord server.

The parameters identifying the branches to merge have to be supplied to the Concord flow - typically by a parameter from a form or an invocation of the flow from another application.

merge Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located
  • repo: repository in which the pull request is located.
  • base: the name of the base branch into which the head is merged.
  • head: the identifier for the head to merge. Head can be specified by using a branch name or a commit SHA1.
  • commitMessage: the message to use for the merge commit. If omitted, a default message is used. Expressions can be used to add process information.
  - task: github
      action: "merge"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      base: "master"
      head: "${gitHubBranchName}"
      commitMessage: "Automated merge performed by Concord flow."


The forkRepo action can be used to fork a git repository on GitHub. By default, the repo is forked into your personal account associated with the accessToken.

forkRepo Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository that you want to fork.
  • targetOrg: optional, if a value is specified the repository is forked into specified organization, otherwise the target is the personal space of the user specified with the accessToken.
  - task: github
      action: "forkRepo"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      targetOrg: "myForkToOrg"


The getBranchList action can be used to get the list of branches of a GitHub repository. The output of the action is stored in a variable branchList. It can be used at a later point in the flow

getBranchList Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository for which you want to get the branch list.

getBranchList Returned Variables:

  • branchList - list, branches from the specified repository
  - task: github
      action: getBranchList
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"

  - log: "Got ${branchList.size()} branches: ${branchList}"


The getTagList action can be used to get the list of tags of a GitHub repository. The output of the action is stored in a variable tagList. It can be used at a later point in the flow.

getTagList Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository for which you want to get the tag list.

getTagList Returned Variables:

  • tagList - list, tagList from the specified repository
  - task: github
      action: "getTagList"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"

  - log: "Got ${tagList.size()} tags: ${tagList}"


The getPR action can be used to get a specific PR from a GitHub repository. The output of the action is stored in a variable pr, containing the PullRequest details. It can be used at a later point in the flow.

getPR Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository.
  • prNumber: pull request number to get.

getPR Returned Variables:

  • pr - object, pull request details. See Pulls docs for more details.
  - task: github
      action: "getPR"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      prNumber: 123

  - log: "PR HEAD SHA: ${pr.head.sha}"


The getPRList action can be used to get the list of PRs from a GitHub repository. The output of the action is stored in a variable prList, which is a list of PullRequest values. It can be used at a later point in the flow.

getPRList Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository.
  • state: optional, state of a PR. Defaults to open. Allowed values are all, open, closed.

getPRList Returned Variables:

  • prList: list of pull request objects. See Pulls docs for more details.
  - task: github
      action: getPRList
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      state: "closed"
  - if: ${prList.isEmpty()}
    - log: "Got zero PRs"
    - log: "PR Numbers : ${prList.stream().map(c -> c.get('number')).toList()}"
    - log: "PR Titles: ${prList.stream().map(c -> c.get('title')).toList()}"


The getLatestSHA action can be used to get the SHA identifier of the latest commit for a given branch. By default, it gets the SHA from the master branch. The output of the action is stored in the variable latestCommitSHA. It can be used at a later point in the flow.

getLatestSHA Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository.
  • branch: name of GitHub branch from which you want to get the latest commit SHA. Defaults to master.

getLatestSHA Returned Variables:

  • latestCommitSHA: SHA of the latest commit in the specified branch
  - task: github
      action: "getLatestSHA"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      branch: "myBranch"

  - log: "Latest commit SHA: ${latestCommitSHA}"


The addStatus action can be used to add status messages to a commit.

addStatus Parameters:

  • org: name of GitHub organization where your repository is located.
  • repo: name of GitHub repository.
  • commitSHA: ID of the commit which should receive the status update.
  • context, state, targetUrl and description: attributes of the status update. See the GitHub API documentation for details.
  - task: github
      action: "addStatus"
      accessToken: "myGitHubToken"
      org: "myGitHubOrg"
      repo: "myGitHubRepo"
      commitSHA: "dfd5...0262"
      context: "myContext"
      state: "pending"
      targetUrl: "https://concord.example.com/#/process/${txId}"
      description: "my status description"