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MS Teams Task

The msteams plugin supports interaction with the Microsoft Teams messaging platform.


To be able to use the MSTeams task in a Concord flow, it must be added as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins:msteams-task:2.5.0

This adds the task to the classpath and allows you to invoke the MSTeams task.

Version 2

Possible operations are:

Why V2

We recommend users to use or move to msteamsV2 for following reasons:

  1. Unlike V1, adding concord-bot to a team, makes it available for all public channels in a team.
  2. Supports replyToConversation action.
  3. Future enhancements (if any), will be made on V2.


Add concord-bot to your MS Team/channel. Follow below steps to add it from MS Teams UI.

  1. Click on ellipsis (3 dots) next to the Team you want to add the Bot to, then click on Manage Team.
  2. Click on Apps tab and then click on More Apps button.
  3. In the new window opened, search for concord-bot.
  4. Click on open dropdown and select Add to a team.
  5. Type the team or channel name and click Set up a bot.

Private channels do not support bots. Make sure your channel is not marked as private. For more details check here.

Common Parameters

The MSTeams task uses a number of input parameters that are common for all operations:

  • task - determines name of task. Should be msteamsV2 if you are using version 2;
  • action - determines the operation to be performed with the current invocation of the MSTeams task.
  • ignoreErrors - boolean value, if true any errors that occur during the execution are ignored and stored in the result variable. Defaults to false.

The tenantId, useProxy, proxyAddress, proxyPort,clientId, clientSecret, rootApi, and accessTokenApi variables configure the connection to the MS Teams server. They are best configured globally as [default process configuration] (../getting-started/configuration.html#default-process-variable) with an msteamsParams argument.

      tenantId: "myTenantID"
      useProxy: true
      proxyAddress: "proxy.example.com"
      proxyPort: 8080
      clientId: "botId"
      clientSecret: "botSecret"
      rootApi: "https://smba.trafficmanager.net/amer/v3/conversations"
      accessTokenApi: "https://login.microsoftonline.com/botframework.com/oauth2/v2.0/token"
  • useProxy - boolean value, if true uses the proxyAddress and proxyPort set in default vars. Defaults to false.
  • clientId - determines the id associated with bot.
  • clientSecret - determines the secret associated with bot.

Note: your Concord environment may provide other defaults using the default variables.

Create Conversation

The createConversation action allows users to create a new conversation in a specific MSTeams channel. It uses input parameters listed below for the operation.

  • channelId: string, required - the Id of the MS teams channel. It can be seen in the URL opened by clicking 3 dots -> Get link to channel link next to your channel.
  • activity: map, required - initial message to send to the conversation when it is created. More details about activity object can be found here, but a simple example can look like as shown below.
  - task: msteamsV2
      action: createConversation
        type: message
        text: "My First Message"
      channelId: "myChannelId"
      ignoreErrors: true

  - log: "Result status: ${result.ok}"
  - if: "${!result.ok}"
    - throw: "Error occurred while sending a message: ${result.error}"


The task returns a result object with following fields:

  • ok - true if the operation is succeeded.
  • data - string - response body, if the operation is succeeded.
  • error - error message if the operation failed.
  • coversationId - ID of the conversation that was posted, can be used, in the following msteams task to reply to a conversation.
  • activityId - ID of the activity, if sent.

Reply To Conversation

The replyToConversation action allows users to reply to an existing conversation in a specific MSTeams channel. It uses input parameters listed below for the operation.

  • coversationId: string, required - the Id of the conversation that was previously posted.
  • activity: map, required - message used to reply to a conversation.
- task: msteamsV2
      action: replyToConversation
      conversationId: ${result.conversationId}
        type: message
        text: "This replies to a previously posted conversation"

Version 1

Possible operations:


Configure an Incoming Webhook on your Teams channel. Follow below steps to configure it from MS Teams UI.

  1. Navigate to the channel where you want to add the webhook and select (•••) More Options from the top navigation bar
  2. Choose Connectors from the drop-down menu and search for Incoming Webhook.
  3. Select the Configure button, provide a name, and, optionally, upload an image avatar for your webhook.
  4. The dialog window presents a unique URL that maps to the channel. Copy and save the URL—to use in a Concord flow. Sample webhook URL for reference https://outlook.office.com/webhook/{teamID}@{tenantID}/IncomingWebhook/{webhookID}/{webhookTypeID}
  5. Select the Done button. The webhook will now be available in the team channel.


The MSTeams task allows users to trigger operations on a Microsoft Teams server as a step in a Concord flow. It uses a number of required input parameters that are common for all operations:

  • action - determines the operation to be performed with the current invocation of the MSTeams task.
  • ignoreErrors - boolean value, if true any errors that occur during the execution are ignored and stored in the result variable. Defaults to false.

The webhookTypeId, tenantId, rootWebhookUrl, proxyAddress, and proxyPort variables configure the connection to the MS Teams server. They are best configured globally as default process configuration with an msteamsParams argument.

  • webhookTypeId: unique GUID of webhook type Incoming Webhook
  • tenantId: unique GUID representing the Azure ActiveDirectory Tenant
  • rootWebhookUrl: root URL of webhook
  • proxyAddress: proxy server to use
  • proxyPort: proxy server port to use

Extract webhookTypeId and tenantId from webhook URL from step 4 of Prerequisite

      webhookTypeId: "myWebhookTypeID"
      tenantId: "myTenantID"
      rootWebhookUrl: "https://outlook.office.com/webhook/"
      proxyAddress: "proxy.example.com"
      proxyPort: 8080

Send Message

The sendMessage action allows users to send messages to a specific MSTeams channel. It uses input parameters listed below for the operation.

  • webhookUrl: URL, required - webhook URL from step 4 of Prerequisite.
  • title: string, optional - title of the message.
  • text: string, required - body of the message.
  • themeColor: string, optional - theme color of the message. Defaults to 11B00A. More theme colors can be found here to pick from.
  • sections: array, optional - a collection of sections to include in a message. See sections for more details.
  • potentialAction: array, optional - a collection of actions that can be invoked on a message. See potentialAction for more details.

Using WebhookURL

Initiate sendMessage action using webhookUrl

    - task: msteams
        action: sendMessage
        webhookUrl: https://outlook.office.com/webhook/{teamID}@{tenantID}/IncomingWebhook/{webhookID}/{webhookTypeID}
        title: "My message title"
        text: "My message text"
        ignoreErrors: true

    - if: "${!result.ok}"
        - throw: "Error while sending a message: ${result.error}"
        - log: "Data: ${result.data}"

Using IDs

Initiate sendMessage action using teamId and webhookId extracted from webhook URL from step 4 of Prerequisite

  • teamId: string, required - team ID
  • webhookId: string, required - webhook ID
    - task: msteams
        action: sendMessage
        teamId: "myTeamID"
        webhookId: "myWebhookID"
        title: "My message title"
        text: "My message text"
        ignoreErrors: true

    - if: "${!result.ok}"
        - throw: "Error while sending a message: ${result.error}"
        - log: "Data: ${result.data}"

The task returns a result object with three fields:

  • ok - true if the operation is succeeded.
  • data - string - response body, if the operation is succeeded.
  • error - error message if the operation failed.