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To send email notifications as a step of a flow, use the smtp task.


  • smtpParams - SMTP server settings including:
    • host - String, server address
    • port - Number, server port
  • mail - mail settings including:
    • from - String, sender’s email address
    • to - String or List, Comma-separated email addresses or list of email addresses to receive the email
    • replyTo - optional String, reply-to email address
    • cc - optional String or List, Comma-separated email addresses or list of email addresses to carbon copy
    • bcc - optional, String or List, Comma-separated email addresses or list of email addresses to blind carbon copy
    • subject - String, email subject
    • message - String, plaintext email body (optional if using template)
    • template - optional String, template file path in working directory
    • attachments - optional List of file attachments


To make use of the smtp task, first declare the plugin in dependencies under configuration. This allows you to add an smtp task in any flow as a step.

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins.basic:smtp-tasks:2.14.0

This adds the task to the classpath and allows you to invoke the task in a flow:

    - task: smtp
          from: [email protected]
          to: [email protected]
          subject: "Hello from Concord"
          message: "My message"

The debug - boolean parameter, if true the plugin logs additional debug information, defaults to false.

The mail input parameters includes the parameters from to specify the email address to be used as the sender address, to for the recipient address, subject for the message subject and message for the actual message body.


The attachments parameter accepts a list of file paths or attachment definitions. File paths must be relative to the process’ working directory.

  - task: smtp
        from: [email protected]
        # ...other params...
        # simple file attachment
        - "myFile.txt"

        # or get specific
        - path: "test/myOtherFile.txt"
          disposition: "attachment"
          description: "my attached file"
          name: "my.txt"

The above example attaches two files from the process working directory, myFile.txt from the directory itself and myOtherFile.txt from the test directory. The description and name parameters are optional. The disposition parameter allows the values attachment or inline. Inline inserts the file as part of the email message itself.

Optional Parameters

You can add cc and bcc recipient email addresses, and specify a replyTo address.

In the to, cc, and bcc fields, you can handle multiple addresses, either as a comma separated list shown in the following cc configuration, or a YAML array as in the following bcc configuration:

  - task: smtp
        from: [email protected]
        to: [email protected]
        cc: [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
        - [email protected]
        - [email protected]
        - [email protected]
        replyTo: [email protected]
        subject: "Hello from Concord"
        message: "My message"

To send an email to the process initiator, you can use the attribute initiator.attributes.mail.

Message Template

Concord supports the use of a separate file for longer email messages. As an alternative to message, specify template and point to a file in your project that contains the message text:

- task: smtp
      template: mail.mustache

The template engine Mustache is used to process email template files, so you can use any variables from the Concord process context in the message.

When creating content in a template file, you can reference any variable that is defined in the flow using double open { and closing curly braces } in the template file:

The process for this project was started by {{ initiator.displayName  }}.

When a template file name ends with .html, the email body is sent HTML-formatted.

- task: smtp
      from: [email protected]
      to: [email protected]
      subject: "Howdy!"
      template: "mail.mustache.html"

SMTP Server

For email notifications with the smtp task to work, the connections details for your SMTP server must specified using one of the following options:

  • as a global default process configuration
  • as a configuration within your Concord file

In most cases, a Concord administrator takes care of this configuration on a global default process configuration.

SMTP as Default Process Configuration

The simplest and cleanest way to activate the task and specify the SMTP server connection details is to set up a default process configuration:

  1. Under configuration/dependencies, specify the smtp-tasks plugin.
  2. Add smtpParams as an argument and specify the SMTP server host and port as attributes:
  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins.basic:smtp-tasks:2.14.0
      host: smtp.example.com
      port: 25

Specific SMTP Server in Your Concord File

In some cases you might want to specify the SMTP server in your own Concord flow, instead of using the global configuration. This approach is required if no global configuration is set up.

First, add the plugin as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins.basic:smtp-tasks:2.14.0

Then set the smtpParams with the connection details for any usage of the smtp task:

  - task: smtp
        host: smtp.example.com
        port: 25
        from: [email protected]
        to: [email protected]
        subject: "Hello from Concord"
        message: "My message"

Consider using a global variable to store the parameters in case of multiple smtp invocations.