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Argo CD Task

The argocd task allows workflows to interact with various Argo CD API endpoints to manage applications and projects on the instance.


To enable the task in a Concord flow, it must be added as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins:argocd-task:1.49.0

This adds the task to the classpath and allows you to invoke the task in a flow:

    - task: argocd
        action: get
        app: "test"
            username: user
            password: password
      out: result

Common Parameters

  • action: Action to perform. One of:
    • get - Get the detailed information about the specified app.
    • create - Creates an application on the specified Argo CD baseUrl.
    • sync - Sync an existing application to its desired state.
    • patch - patch the source information in an application on the Argo CD instance.
    • setParams - Set an application’s parameters.
    • updateSpec - Update the application manifest with the spec provided.
    • delete - Delete an application on the specified Argo CD baseUrl.
    • getProject - Get the details information about the specified project.
    • createProject - Creates a project on the specified Argo CD baseUrl.
    • deleteProject - Delete a project on the specified Argo CD baseUrl.
  • baseUrl: Argo CD instance’s base URL
  • debug: optional boolean, enabled extra debug log output for troubleshooting
  • auth: API authentication info. Used to generate an authentication token.
  • validateCerts: optional boolean, default value true, can be overridden for testing.
  • connectTimeout: optional value specifies the connection timeout while making API requests to Argo CD
  • readTimeout: optional value specifies the read timeout while making API requests to Argo CD
  • writeTimeout: optional value specifies the write timeout while making API requests to Argo CD.

Task Output

In addition to common task result fields, the output of the full argocd task call returns the following depending on the action performed.

  • application - manifest of the application on which action was performed.
    - task: argocd
        action: get
        app: "test"
        baseUrl: https://argo.dev
            username: user
            password: password
      out: result
    - if: ${result.ok}
        - log: "Successfully retrieved application from ArgoCD data"
        # can be accessed in ${result.app}
        - log: "Error with task: ${result.error}"

The output of public method calls may be different depending on the method called. See the documentation for the specific method for output details.


Authentication with Argo CD can happen in two ways depending on the auth configuration on the Argo CD instance.

Basic authentication

This type of authentication is used when there are local users setup on the Argo CD instance for administrative purposes, for example.

    - task: argocd
        action: get
        app: test
        baseUrl: https://argo.dev
            username: localUser
            password: password
      out: result

LDAP Authentication

In this case, Argo CD instance delegates authentication to an LDAP directory backed authentication mechanism.

    - task: argocd
        action: get
        app: test
        baseUrl: https://argo.dev
            username: user
            password: password
      out: result

Azure Authentication

In this case, Argo CD instance authentication is done via Azure AD. Azure AD App registration and configuration must be in place to work. More details can be found here.


  • clientId - ClientId of the argocd client app registered in Azure portal.
  • authority - Identity of the party who issue token. For example - https://login.microsoftonline.com/<tenantId>/v2.0
  • scope - Optional, Permissions needed to perform activity. Default - user.read
  • username - Username used to authenticate in Azure AD
  • password - Password for the supplied username
    - task: argocd
        action: get
        app: test
        baseUrl: https://argo.dev
            clientId: test-client-110
            authority: https://login.microsoftonline.com/test-tenant-001/v2.0
              - user.default
            username: user
            password: password
      out: result

Note: Allow public client flows should be enabled in Authentication > Advanced settings under Azure App registration.

Application Operations

Get Application

Use the get action to get the details of an application present on the Argo CD instance.


  • app: Name of the application to be retrieved.
  • refresh: optional boolean forces application reconciliation if set to true
- task: argocd
    action: get
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
    app: test
        username: user
        password: password
    refresh: false
  out: result

Create Application

Use the create action to create an application with the provided details


  • app: Name of the application to be created.
  • cluster: Name of the Kubernetes cluster on which the application is to be created.
  • namespace: Namespace in which the application is to be created.
  • createNamespace: optional boolean when set will force creation of the namespace specified, if not present.
  • gitRepo: optional SCM information to which the application will sync. Not required if helmRepo is specified.
    • repoURL: URL of the SCM Repository
    • targetRevision: Branchname, tag, or commit hash to sync to.
    • path: The path in the SCM repository which contains Helm charts, application manifest, or k8s resource definitions.
  • helmRepo: optional Helm repo information to which the application will sync. Not required if gitRepo is specified.
    • repoURL: URL of the Helm Repository
    • chart: Name of the Helm Chart
    • targetRevision: Version of the Chart to be installed.
  • helm: optional map of Helm parameters and values
    • parameters: optional map specifying parameters to the Helm chart.
    • values: values to be provided to the Helm chart, to override default values if any.
  • project: project in which the application is to be created. Project creates a logical grouping for several applications. default if not specified.
  • annotations: optional map describing the application.
- task: argocd
    action: create
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password
    app: test-app
    namespace: test-namespace
    cluster: in-cluster
    project: default
      repoUrl: https://github.com/testOrg/testRepo.git
      path: test-app-helm
      targetRevision: HEAD
        - name: key
          value: value
        - name: key2
          value: value2
      values: |
        applicationSize: 4
        applicationFile: https://mvnrepository.com/artifact-version.jar
        .... # other values from a values.yml or similar file
  out: result

Sync Application

Use the sync action to perform a sync operation on an existing application to bring it to the desired state.


  • app: name of the app to be synced.
  • revision: revision of the resource to be synced.
  • resources: Array of application resources
    • group: resource group name
    • kind: kind of k8s resource
    • name: name of the resource
    • namespace: namespace in which the resource is created
  • dryRun: optional boolean specifying if the sync operation to be performed is on an actual environment or a dry run. Defaults to false.
  • prune: optional boolean which enables pruning of resources as part of the sync operation. Defaults to false.
  • retryStrategy: optional map, specifying custom retry strategies when sync fails.
  • strategy: optional map, specifying the strategy to be applied during the sync.
  • watchHealth: optional boolean to force the sync operation to wait till all the components are in healthy state. Defaults to false.
  • syncTimeout: optional duration parameter to specify the timeout duration for the sync operation.
- task: argocd
    action: sync
    app: "test-app"
    watchHealth: true
    debug: false
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password
    validateCerts: true
    prune: false
    syncTimeout: 300
  out: syncResult

Patch Application

Use the patch action to patch source path on an existing application and bring it to the desired state.


  • app: Name of the app to be patched
  • patches: map of the k8s spec with updated source path ```yaml
  • task: argocd in: action: patch app: test-app baseUrl: https://argo.dev auth: ldap: username: user password: password patches: spec: source: targetRevision: releaseBranch ```

Set Application Parameters

Use the setParams action to set the application parameters.


  • app: name of the app for which parameters have to be set or updated.
  • helm: list of name-value pairs of parameters to be set.
    • name: name of the parameter
    • value: value of the parameter
- task: argocd
    action: setParams
    app: test-app
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password
      - name: PARAM1
        value: value1
      - name: PARAM2
        value: value2

Update Application Spec

Use the updateSpec action to update the application resource object.


  • app: name of the app which has to be updated.
  • spec: map of the application k8s resource to be updated.
- task: argocd
    action: updateSpec
    app: test-app
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password
        values: |
          applicationVersion: 1.3.0
          replicas: 4

Delete Application

Use the delete action to delete an application on the Argo CD instance.


  • app: name of the app to be deleted.
  • cascade: optional boolean to perform a cascaded deletion of all application resources. Defaults to false.
  • propogationPolicy: optional string. Specify propagation policy for deletion of application’s resources. One of: foreground|background (default “foreground”)
- task: argocd
    app: test-app
    cascade: true
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password

Project Operations

Get Project

Use the getProject action to get the details of a project present on the Argo CD instance.


  • getProject: Name of the project to be retrieved.
- task: argocd
    action: getProject
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
    project: test
        username: user
        password: password
  out: result

Create Project

Use the createProject action to create a project with the provided details


  • project: Name of the project to be created.
  • upsert: boolean value (default to false)
  • description: optional project description
  • annotations: optional map describing the application
  • sourceRepos: optional sourceRepos contains list of repository URLs which can be used for deployment. defaults to ‘*’
  • destinations: optional destinations contains list of destinations available for deployment. defaults to ‘*’
- task: argocd
    action: createProject
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password
    project: test-project
      - '*'
      - name: 'all'
        namespace: '*'
        server: '*'
  out: result

Delete Project

Use the deleteProject action to delete a project on the Argo CD instance.


  • project: name of the project to be deleted.
- task: argocd
    app: test-project
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password

ApplicationSet Operations

Get ApplicationSet

Use the getApplicationSet action to get the details of a applicationSet present on the Argo CD instance.


  • applicationSet: Name of the applicationSet to be retrieved.
- task: argocd
    action: getApplicationSet
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
    applicationSet: test
        username: user
        password: password
  out: result

Create ApplicationSet

Use the createApplicationSet action to create a applicationSet with the provided details


  • generators: Array of objects defines how the applications should generate. More details can be found here
  • preserveResourcesOnDeletion: PreserveResourcesOnDeletion will preserve resources on deletion. If PreserveResourcesOnDeletion is set to true, these Applications will not be deleted.
  • strategy: configures how generated Applications are updated in sequence. More details found here
  • applicationSet: Name of the applicationset to be created
  • app: Name of the application to be created in the applicationset.
  • cluster: Name of the Kubernetes cluster on which the application is to be created.
  • namespace: Namespace in which the application is to be created.
  • createNamespace: optional boolean when set will force creation of the namespace specified, if not present.
  • gitRepo: optional SCM information to which the application will sync. Not required if helmRepo is specified.
    • repoURL: URL of the SCM Repository
    • targetRevision: Branchname, tag, or commit hash to sync to.
    • path: The path in the SCM repository which contains Helm charts, application manifest, or k8s resource definitions.
  • helmRepo: optional Helm repo information to which the application will sync. Not required if gitRepo is specified.
    • repoURL: URL of the Helm Repository
    • chart: Name of the Helm Chart
    • targetRevision: Version of the Chart to be installed.
  • helm: optional map of Helm parameters and values
    • parameters: optional map specifying parameters to the Helm chart.
    • values: values to be provided to the Helm chart, to override default values if any.
  • project: project in which the application is to be created. Project creates a logical grouping for several applications. default if not specified.
  • annotations: optional map describing the application.
  - task: argocd
          username: user
          password: password
      validateCerts: false
      baseUrl:  https://argo.dev
      applicationSet: test
      - list:
          - cluster: cluster-1
            name: 'app-1'
          - cluster: cluster-2
            name: 'app-2'
      app: "test-"
      namespace: default
      cluster: ''
        repoUrl: https://github.com/testOrg/testRepo.git
        targetRevision: master
        path: testPath
    out: result

Delete ApplicationSet

Use the deleteApplicationSet action to delete a ApplicationSet on the Argo CD instance.


  • applicationSet: name of the applicationSet to be deleted.
- task: argocd
    applicationSet: test-applicationSet
    baseUrl: https://argo.dev
        username: user
        password: password

Note: Minimum Argocd version 2.5 is required for applicationset operations.