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Gremlin Task

Concord supports injecting faults into your system using the chaos engineering tool Gremlin with the gremlin task as part of any flow.

Users planning to use gremlin plugin in their concord flow should take care of below items.

  • Pricing. Please refer below for documentation about pricing

  • Installing gremlin agents on their respective endpoints. Please refer below for documentation about installation

The gremlin plugin offers below categories of attacks to inject faults into your system:


To be able to use the task in a Concord flow, it must be added as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins:gremlin-task:2.6.0


The attacks under the Resource category starve your application of critical resources like CPU, memory, IO, or disk and reveal how your service behaves.

The attacks configuration under this category uses a number of input parameters that are common for all operations:

  • action: Required - The name of the operation to perform.
  • apiKey: Required - Gremlin Api Key
  • teamId: Required - Gremlin Team Identifier
  • length: Required - The length of the attack (seconds)
  • useProxy: When set to true uses the proxy host and port set in default vars. By default set to false
  • endPointType: Type of endPoints - Accepted values are hosts, containers and kubernetes. By default set to hosts.
  • When endPointType is hosts
    • targetType: Type of clients that should be targeted by the attack. Allowed values are Random and Exact. Default is set to Exact
    • targetList: Required - when targetType is Exact. Input is a list e.g. ["client1", "client2"]
    • targetTags: Required - when targetType is Random. Input is a key/value pair e.g. { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }. More information about client tags can be found in the documentation for advanced gremlin configuration
  • When endPointType is containers
    • targetType: Type of clients that should be targeted by the attack. Allowed values are Random and Exact. Default is set to Exact
    • containerIds: Required - when targetType is Exact. Input is a list e.g. ["containerId1", "containerId2"]
    • containerLabels: Required - when targetType is Random. Input is a key/value pair e.g. { "myContainerLabelKey": "myContainerLabelValue" }.
    • containerCount: Integer value - Number of docker containers that you want to attack that have a specific label. Can be used when containerLabels parameter is set. Defaults to 1.
  • When endPointType is kubernetes
    • k8s: Kubernetes target parameters:
      • cluster: Required String - cluster identifier;
      • namespace: String - Kubernetes namespace that you want to attack;
      • deployments: List of Strings - Kubernetes Deployments;
      • daemonSets: List of Strings - Kubernetes DaemonSet;
      • statefulSets: List of Strings - Kubernetes StatefulSet;
      • pods: List of Strings - Kubernetes Pods.


The cpu action of the gremlin task can be used to generate high load for one or more CPU cores. The following parameter is needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • cores: Required - The number of CPU cores to hog
- task: gremlin
    action: cpu
    apiKey: myApiKey
    cores: 1
    length: 15
    targetType: Random
    targetTags: { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }


The memory action of the gremlin task can be used to allocate a specific amount of RAM to be consumed. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • unitOption: Required - Allowed values are GB, MB, PERCENT
  • memoryUnits: Required - When unitOption is GB or MB. The number of MB/GBs to allocate
  • memoryPercent: Required - When unitOption is PERCENT, e.g. 10 is 10%

Example with absolute value usage:

- task: gremlin
    action: memory
    apiKey: myApiKey
    unitOption: MB
    memoryUnits: 100
    length: 15
    targetType: Random
    targetTags: { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }

Example with percent usage:

- task: gremlin
    action: memory
    apiKey: myApiKey
    unitOption: PERCENT
    memoryPercent: 10
    length: 15
    targetType: Exact
    targetList: ["client1", "client2"]


The disk action of the gremlin task can be used to write files to disk to fill it to a specific percentage. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • dir: Required - The root directory to run the disk attack
  • workers: The number of disk-write workers to execute. Default is 1
  • blockSize: Number of Kilobytes (KB) that are read/written at a time. Default is 5
  • percent: Required - Percent of Volume to fill (0-100)
- task: gremlin
    action: disk
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    dir: myDir
    workers: 3
    blockSize: 5
    percent: 25
    targetType: Exact
    targetList: ["client1", "client2"]


The io action of the gremlin task can be used to put read/write pressure on I/O devices such as hard disks. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • dir: Required - The root directory to run the io attack
  • mode: Required - The io mode to execute [r,w,rw]
  • workers: The number of io workers to execute. Default is 1
  • blockSize: Number of Kilobytes (KB) that are read/written at a time. Default is 5
  • blockCount: The number of blocks read/written by workers. Default is 5
- task: gremlin
    action: io
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 10
    dir: myDir
    workers: 3
    mode: rw
    blockSize: 6
    blockCount: 4
    targetType: Exact
    targetList: ["client1", "client2"]


Example: Using endPointType as containers

- task: gremlin
    action: memory
    apiKey: myApiKey
    unitOption: PERCENT
    memoryPercent: 10
    length: 15
    endPointType: containers
    targetType: Exact
      - "myContainerId1"
      - "myContainerId2"
- task: gremlin
    action: memory
    apiKey: myApiKey
    unitOption: PERCENT
    memoryPercent: 10
    length: 15
    endPointType: containers
    targetType: Random
    containerCount: 2
    containerLabels: { "myLabelKey": "myLabelValue" }


The attacks under the State category introduce chaos into your infrastructure, so that you can observe how well your service handles it or fails.

The attacks configurations under this category use a number of input parameters that are common for all operations:

  • action: Required - The name of the operation to perform.
  • apiKey: Required - Gremlin Api Key
  • teamId: Required - Gremlin Team Identifier
  • length: Required - The length of the attack (seconds)
  • useProxy: When set to true uses the proxy host and port set in default vars. By default set to false
  • endPointType: Type of endPoints - Accepted values are hosts, containers and kubernetes. By default set to hosts.
  • When endPointType is hosts
    • targetType: Type of clients that should be targeted by the attack. Allowed values are Random and Exact. Default is set to Exact
    • targetList: Required - when targetType is Exact. Input is a list e.g. ["client1", "client2"]
    • targetTags: Required - when targetType is Random. Input is a key/value pair e.g. { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }. More information about client tags can be found in the documentation for advanced gremlin configuration
  • When endPointType is containers
    • targetType: Type of clients that should be targeted by the attack. Allowed values are Random and Exact. Default is set to Exact
    • containerIds: Required - when targetType is Exact. Input is a list e.g. ["containerId1", "containerId2"]
    • containerLabels: Required - when targetType is Random. Input is a key/value pair e.g. { "myContainerLabelKey": "myContainerLabelValue" }.
    • containerCount: Integer value - Number of docker containers that you want to attack that have a specific label. Can be used when containerLabels parameter is set. Defaults to 1.
  • When endPointType is kubernetes
    • k8s: Kubernetes target parameters:
      • cluster: Required String - cluster identifier;
      • namespace: String - Kubernetes namespace that you want to attack;
      • deployments: List of Strings - Kubernetes Deployments;
      • daemonSets: List of Strings - Kubernetes DaemonSet;
      • statefulSets: List of Strings - Kubernetes StatefulSet;
      • pods: List of Strings - Kubernetes Pods.


The shutdown action of the gremlin task can be used to reboot or halt the host operating system to test how your system behaves when losing one or more cluster machines. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • delay: The number of minutes to delay before shutting down. Default is 1 minute
  • reboot: Indicates the host should reboot after shutting down. Default true
- task: gremlin
    action: shutdown
    apiKey: myApiKey
    delay: 1
    reboot: true
    targetType: Random
    targetTags: { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }


The timeTravel action of the gremlin task can be used to change the host’s system time. This can be used to simulate adjusting to daylight saving time and other time-related events. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • offset: The offset (+/-) to the current time (seconds). Default +5 seconds
  • ntp: Disable NTP from correcting systemtime. Default value is set to false
- task: gremlin
    action: timeTravel
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    offset: -100
    targetType: Random
    targetTags: { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }


The processKiller action of the gremlin task can be used to kill a specified process. This can be used to simulate application or dependency crashes. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • interval: The number of seconds to delay before kills. Default 5 seconds
  • process: Required - The process name to match (allows regex) or the process ID
  • group: The group name or ID to match against (name matches only)
  • user: The user name or ID to match against (name matches only)
  • newest: If set the newest matching process will be killed (name matches only, cannot be used with -o). Default set to false
  • oldest:If set the oldest matching process will be killed (name matches only, cannot be used with -n). Default set to false
  • exact: If set the match must be exact and not just a substring match (name matches only). Default to false
  • killChildren: If set the processes children will also be killed. Default to false
  • fullMatch: If set the processes name match will occur against the full command line string that the process was launched with. Default to false
task: gremlin
  action: processKiller
  apiKey: myApiKey
  length: 15
  interval: 10
  process: myProcess
  newest: true
  targetType: Random
  targetTags: { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }


Example: Using endPointType as containers

task: gremlin
  action: processKiller
  apiKey: myApiKey
  length: 15
  interval: 10
  process: myProcess
  newest: true
  targetType: Exact
  - "myContainerId1"
  - "myContainerId2"
- task: gremlin
    action: timeTravel
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    offset: -100
    endPointType: containers
    targetType: Random
    containerCount: 2
    containerLabels: { "myLabelKey": "myLabelValue" }


The attacks under the Network category allow you to see the impact of lost or delayed traffic to your application. You can test how your service behaves when you are unable to reach one of your dependencies, internal or external. You can limit the impact to only the traffic you want to test by specifying ports, hostnames, and IP addresses.

The attacks configuration under this category uses a number of input parameters that are common for all operations:

  • action: Required - The name of the operation to perform.
  • apiKey: Required - Gremlin Api Key
  • teamId: Required - Gremlin Team Identifier
  • length: Required - The length of the attack (seconds)
  • useProxy: When set to true uses the proxy host and port set in default vars. By default set to false
  • endPointType: Type of endPoints - Accepted values are hosts, containers and kubernetes. By default set to hosts.
  • When endPointType is hosts
    • targetType: Type of clients that should be targeted by the attack. Allowed values are Random and Exact. Default is set to Exact
    • targetList: Required - when targetType is Exact. Input is a list e.g. ["client1", "client2"]
    • targetTags: Required - when targetType is Random. Input is a key/value pair e.g. { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }. More information about client tags can be found in the documentation for advanced gremlin configuration
  • When endPointType is containers
    • targetType: Type of clients that should be targeted by the attack. Allowed values are Random and Exact. Default is set to Exact
    • containerIds: Required - when targetType is Exact. Input is a list e.g. ["containerId1", "containerId2"]
    • containerLabels: Required - when targetType is Random. Input is a key/value pair e.g. { "myContainerLabelKey": "myContainerLabelValue" }.
    • containerCount: Integer value - Number of docker containers that you want to attack that have a specific label. Can be used when containerLabels parameter is set. Defaults to 1.
  • When endPointType is kubernetes
    • k8s: Kubernetes target parameters:
      • cluster: Required String - cluster identifier;
      • namespace: String - Kubernetes namespace that you want to attack;
      • deployments: List of Strings - Kubernetes Deployments;
      • daemonSets: List of Strings - Kubernetes DaemonSet;
      • statefulSets: List of Strings - Kubernetes StatefulSet;
      • pods: List of Strings - Kubernetes Pods.


The blackhole action of the gremlin task can be used drop all matching network traffic. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • ipAddresses: Required - Impact traffic to these IP addresses
  • device: Impact traffic over this network interface
  • hostnames: Only impact traffic to these hostnames. Whitelist a host with a leading ^
  • egressPorts: Only impact egress traffic to these destination ports. Ranges work too: 8080-8085
  • ingressPorts: Only impact ingress traffic on these incoming ports. Ranges work too: 8080-8085
  • protocol: Only impact traffic using this IP protocol. Allowed values are TCP, UDP, ICMP. Defaults to all protocols
- task: gremlin
    action: blackhole
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    ipAddresses: "ipAddress1, ipAddress2"
    device: "myDevice"
    hostnames: "host1.com, host2.com"
    egressPorts: "egPort1, egPort2"
    ingressPorts: "ingPort1, ingPort2"
    protocol: UDP
    targetType: Exact
    targetList: ["client1", "client2"]


The latency action of the gremlin task can be used to inject latency into all matching egress network traffic. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • ipAddresses: Required - Only impact egress traffic to these IP addresses
  • device: Impact traffic over this network interface
  • hostnames: Only impact traffic to these hostnames. Whitelist a host with a leading ^
  • egressPorts: Only impact egress traffic to these destination ports, ranges are supported with 8080-8085
  • sourcePorts: Only impact egress traffic from these source ports, ranges are suppored with 8080-8085
  • delay: How long to delay egress packets millis
  • protocol: Only impact traffic using this IP protocol. Allowed values are TCP, UDP, ICMP Defaults to all protocols
- task: gremlin
    action: latency
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    ipAddresses: "ipAddress1, ipAddress2"
    device: "myDevice"
    hostnames: "host1.com, host2.com"
    egressPorts: "egPort1, egPort2"
    sourcePorts: "sPort1, sPort2"
    delay: 100
    protocol: ICMP
    targetType: Exact
    targetList: ["client1", "client2"]


The packetLoss action of the gremlin task can be used to induce packet loss into all matching egress network traffic. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • ipAddresses: Required - Only impact traffic to these IP addresses
  • device: Impact traffic over this network interface
  • hostnames: Only impact traffic to these hostnames. Whitelist a host with a leading ^
  • egressPorts: Only impact egress traffic to these destination ports, ranges work too: 8080-8085
  • sourcePorts: Only impact egress traffic from these source ports, ranges work too: 8080-8085
  • percent: Percentage of packets to drop (10 is 10%). Default is set to 1
  • corrupt: Corrupt packets instead of simply dropping them. Default is set to false.
  • protocol: Only impact traffic using this IP protocol. Allowed values are TCP, UDP, ICMP Defaults to all protocols
- task: gremlin
    action: packetLoss
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    ipAddresses: "ipAddress1, ipAddress2"
    device: "myDevice"
    hostnames: "host1.com, host2.com"
    egressPorts: "egPort1, egPort2"
    sourcePorts: "sPort1, sPort2"
    percent: 5
    corrupt: true
    protocol: ICMP
    targetType: Exact
    targetList: ["client1", "client2"]


The dns action of the gremlin task can be used to block access to DNS servers. The following parameters are needed in addition to the general parameters:

  • ipAddresses: Required - Impact traffic to these IP addresses
  • device: Impact traffic over this network interface
  • protocol: Only impact traffic using this IP protocol. Allowed values are TCP, UDP. Defaults to all protocols
- task: gremlin
    action: dns
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    ipAddresses: "ipAddress1, ipAddress2"
    device: "myDevice"
    protocol: UDP
    targetType: Random
    targetTags: { "myTagKey": "myTagValue" }


Example: Using endPointType as containers

- task: gremlin
    action: packetLoss
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    ipAddresses: "ipAddress1, ipAddress2"
    device: "myDevice"
    hostnames: "host1.com, host2.com"
    egressPorts: "egPort1, egPort2"
    sourcePorts: "sPort1, sPort2"
    percent: 5
    corrupt: true
    protocol: ICMP
    targetType: Exact
    - "myContainerId1"
    - "myContainerId2"
- task: gremlin
    action: dns
    apiKey: myApiKey
    length: 15
    ipAddresses: "ipAddress1, ipAddress2"
    device: "myDevice"
    protocol: UDP
    targetType: Random
    containerCount: 2
    containerLabels: { "myLabelKey": "myLabelValue" }


The halt action of the gremlin task can be used to idempotently halt the specified active attack.

  • action: Required halt - The name of the operation to perform.
  • apiKey: Required - Gremlin API Key
  • attackGuid: Required - GUID of the attack.
- task: gremlin
    action: halt
    apiKey: myApiKey
    attackGuid: attackGuid

The performed halt action is identical to a manual usage of the Gremlin app with the halt button against the specified active attack.