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Jenkins Task

The jenkins task allows users to trigger build jobs on a Jenkins continuous integration server as a step of a flow.


To be able to use the task in a Concord flow, it must be added as a dependency:

  - mvn://com.walmartlabs.concord.plugins:jenkins-task:2.6.0

This adds the task to the classpath and allows you to invoke the task in a flow:

  - task: jenkins
      baseUrl: "https://jenkins.example.com"
      username: "myUser"
      apiToken: "myApiToken"
      jobName: "myJob"

All parameters sorted in alphabetical order.

  • apiToken: Jenkins’s API token, it can be omitted if Concord provides a default API token to call Jenkins jobs in its global configuration;
  • baseUrl: Jenkins server URL, if not provided a configured default Jenkins URL is used;
  • debug: if true enables additional debug output;
  • connectTimeout: connection timeout in seconds, default value is 30;
  • jobName: name of the job on the Jenkins server, if your job is located in a folder use myfolder/job/myjob as the jobName value;
  • jobTimeout: timeout waiting for the job in seconds, applies only if sync: true;
  • parameters: Parameters to pass, the job has to be configured as parameterized job, details in Calling a Parameterized Job;
  • readTimeout: network read timeout ins seconds, default value is 30;
  • sync: if true the task waits for the Jenkins job to complete (default true);
  • username: username to use for the job invocation, it can be omitted if Concord provides a default username to use;
  • writeTimeout: network write timeout in seconds, default value is 30.

Calling a Parameterized Job

Concord can trigger parameterized jobs on Jenkins. Following is the list of supported parameters types.

  • String parameter
  • Boolean parameter
  • File parameter, details in File Parameter
  • Choice parameter
  • Password parameter

Note: Set the password parameter value as <DEFAULT> in order to use the default password set in the Jenkins job configuration

From Jenkins’s perspective, String, Boolean, Choice and Password parameters are all simple string name:value pairs. Jenkins checks the name of a parameter and maps the given value to the specified type in Jenkins. Therefore, any invalid value may result in an exception and a failure to invoke a job.

  - task: jenkins
      baseUrl: "https://jenkins.example.com"
      username: "myUser"
      apiToken: "myApiToken"
      jobName: "myJob"
        stringParameter: "any string value"
        choiceParameter: "any_choice"
        booleanParameter: "true"
        passwordParameter: "${anyPassword}"

File Parameter

For file parameters, the value details the path to a file in the Concord project in quotes and is prefixed with @. The file parameter field File location on your job configuration in Jenkins must be the same as the parameter name here.

For the example below that means the File location in Jenkins has to be set to some_file_parameter.

  - task: jenkins
      jobName: "myJob"
        stringParameter: "any string value"
        aFile: "@example-file-txt"

Task Output

In addition to common task result fields, the jenkins task returns:

  • status - string, Final Jenkins job status (e.g. SUCCESS, FAILED, CANCELLED);
  • buildNumber - number, Jenkins build number;
  - task: jenkins
    out: jenkinsJob
  - log: "Build #${jenkinsJob.build} - ${jenkinsJob.status}"

Note that for the jobs submitted with sync: false the build number may not be available.